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Banning Books is Counterproductive to Addressing Literacy Issues in Texas
In recent years, Texas has been involved in many debates over banning books in educational institutions and public libraries. Advocates argue that such actions are vital for shielding young minds from objectionable content, while critics say that book banning undermines intellectual freedom and overlooks the root problem of literacy. Texas faces a significant literacy challenge, often called an "illiteracy" problem. However, banning books is not the remedy for this issue. Instead, there are more effective strategies for enhancing literacy rates among Texas residents.
Llano ISD Plans to Implement BookmarkED: Parent Sounds Alarm
Public Comment Delivered to Llano ISD School Board on 2/26/24- My name is Leila Green Little. My children are the 5th generation in their family to attend Llano’s public schools, with two of their grandmothers having taught here, and ancestors with names carved into the concrete in front of the O. Henry building. I love this public school system. I received an excellent education here, and feel that my children are also receiving an excellent education from caring, hardworking teachers.
I applaud our librarians, administrators, and school board, most especially for their adherence to policies and procedures in the face of attempted intimidation. The ship is right, and I hope we don’t steer off course.
Stories from Deep in the Heart of Texas: Librarian Layoffs in Spring Branch ISD
On Friday my wife’s job as a teacher-librarian was cut, meaning she will be out of a librarian job when her contract runs out prior to the next school year. Every other teacher-librarian in the district met the same fate.
How to Break the Library
Today Katy ISD, a large suburban school district west of Houston, informed staff librarians they can no longer request to purchase books they have not read in their entirety. Katy ISD also informed staff librarians the district will begin publishing the name of the campuses next to the title of the book on the purchase order dashboard.
What is Going on in La Grange ISD?
The Fayetteville County Record reported on January 30, 2024, that the La Grange ISD School Board voted to postpone a vote, on whether or not to permit the purchase of 4 library books, under their recently adopted library book acquisition policy. The books under fire are Class Act by Jerry Craft, Can I Touch Your Hair by Irene Latham, Finally Seen by Kelly Yang and Eyes of the Forest by April Henry.
Stories from Deep in the Heart of Texas: The Empathy Playground
It was a cold Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday this year, and my family and I puttered around the house, snacking, working on puzzles, and reading library books. I had just sat down with a cup of coffee when my eight-year-old son walked up behind me and said in a quiet voice, “I just read about what happened to the Jews in Germany.”
What happens when serial challengers hijack the internal book review process
112 book titles were on the Katy ISD “internal review” cue between October 23, 2023 - January 11, 2024. 62 of those titles were submitted to the District for “internal review” by one parent.
A district administrator told me that there is nothing unusual about sourcing “internal review” ideas from parents. However, as someone who has looked at thousands of emails about internal and formal book reviews in Katy ISD, I can tell you- this is not normal.
A Great Day for Texas Book Lovers!
Texas Freedom to Read Project is thrilled that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in blocking HB900, has recognized and affirmed booksellers, librarians, teachers, and parents' concerns that the law violates the First Amendment. We thank BookPeople and Blue Willow Bookshop for their courage and tenacity in standing up against this unconstitutional law. This is a win for Texas students and a vindication of the freedom to read.
Texans Have a Freedom to Read
Texas is at the forefront of restricting one of the most fundamental rights we enjoy in the United States.
By passing laws like HB900, our politicians have decided it’s their job to legislate whose stories can be told, and what books we are allowed- and not allowed- to read.
At the Texas Freedom to Read Project, we believe this notion to be fundamentally untrue. To us, the First Amendment is essential to a free society. The ability to freely exchange ideas, to speak out, to listen in return, to write and to read without the government telling us what we are or are not allowed to say or not say—that is true liberty.
Katy ISD Comment Period
4 people—out of more than 360,000—could determine the books you and your students are allowed to have access to in the coming year.